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Shreya Sudesh posted:

Towards Humanity

‘Comptine d'un autre ete’ played in my music systems as I tried to summon the mystical key to the door that leads to the world of Imagination. Gone are the days when one could just lay back watching the night-sky, relishing the awe-inspiring sights…with no worry of the future.

I wonder, if those priceless gifts of imagination and appreciation would ever crawl out of the bottomless well we have abandoned them into.

The truth is that we have been blind-folded by the materialistic cares of the world…screened enough to ignore the innocence and beauty… deaf to the music of the Minstrels Of honesty…dumb to speak-out our true emotions and appreciate the other or tell them how truly they matter to us.

Where are we heading towards? Clearly not the doom they picture in Nostradamus’ prophecies or the much anticipated Mayans’ ‘End in 2012’. We are actually going towards the Apocalypse of ‘humanity’ and not live beings.

Human bonds…sensitivity…love…benevolence…honesty…nobility…fraternity are one-by-one being blown away by the hunger for Power and the unquenchable thirst for fame and undue recognition. And the ever-diabolic Ego in our heart grows stronger with every passing hour…guffawing at our insanity.

Is this what we really want? At the end of the day, would you rather be kissed goodnight by your dear one or your lifeless i-Phone or a wad of

Do not wait for the opportunity to make amends, to come knocking to your doorstep, because it never will…unless you decide to take things in your hand, immediately. Once gone, it shall remain so.

So get back to where you belong…as a Human. Don’t rush into your room as soon as you reach home. Give your Granny a few minutes of your day, appreciate your mother’s cooking… for once, forgive your naughty sibling instead of hauling over the coals .Go ahead and spend that quality time with your father…lessen the distance between you and those who care for you.
We are not dying with every second, my dear reader, we are Growing. Make sure you grow to be someone who is more content than established…more loved than envied and despised.

When you leave behind your carcass and depart this planet, the world should feel the loss and hope that your soul rests in peace.

You were born on this planet as a Gift to your parents…fulfill every errand that you were meant to complete. Don’t disappoint the people around you…Spread the inner joy and the color of Creativity and Life force! Whatever you do, should come from within. Enjoy every moment…life’s like that. We are not here to become multi-billionaires or Nobel Prize awardees…it’s a much Higher purpose. Make use of your time and take pleasure in the littlest of chores that you perform. Life is so beautiful when you really want to Live it.

That is all. Know that you are loved… you are free to dream and to be what you want to be… but with the ulterior motive that you change others’ lives in a positive way. God bless you 

©Shreya Sudesh

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Posted: Oct 3, 2011
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