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oluwatobi alli posted:

God is not a magician!!! if you want to be blessed and become a blessing, you need Him to bless the works of YOUR HANDS. if you don't have any do not expect a blessing, 5 loaves and two fishes were needed to become food for 5000 men, Water in Jars were need before wine was made available,

a Jaw in the hand of Samson was need to defeat the philistines,
a rod in the hand of moses for parting of the sea and other notable miracles, e.t.c.

Get it!!!

You can pray all you want, fast, bind all the demons possible, you will still not be blessed(remain in the same level) if you don't have anything you are doing. I pray for you that your eyes will be opened to see the works that have been ordained for you to do, you also receive practical wisdom to do them, so you will become a blessing in Jesus name..INSPIRED2BLESS!!!

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Posted: Oct 4, 2011
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