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Anosha Anwar posted:

Words possess more power than we realize...

Tey can be sharper than swords n hurt ur vey soul... The wounds given by them can prove fatal... So be careful with your words. Don't let ur desire t speak out hurt someone's heart.

Views: 113
Comments: 5
Posted: Oct 17, 2011
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funmilayo lydia commented:

That's why the bible say we should bridle our tongue,because the tongue can be very destrcutive

Anosha Anwar commented:

awww so sweet of u Panky! Thanx

Prince GGG commented:

no matter Anna, message is clear....very clear

ARMAN S commented:

nice one..its ok..thanks for the post...

Anosha Anwar commented:

Oooops sorry about the spelling mistakes folks :p


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