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oluwatobi alli posted:

God has seen, Gone into your Tomorrow( your Future) and has done great things, and made great plans, and packages in it for you! if you need a change today( which is His yesterday),

thank him for what you want to happen( which He has done already), do not ask Him to do anything for you,

Instead Decree that you receive it from Him because that is How you Draw it into the Present which is God's past!!

Even Jesus was slain before the world was ever made(The lamb of GOD that was slain before the foundation of the earth)

He is such an awesome God and He makes ready all that we need and we will ever need even before we are born, notice the garden was fully ready in Genesis even before Adam came to existence! asking for things is good(good will, base level, ask n you shall receive) for babes God will answer that way for a while but as you grow in His knowledge He expects you to act as a Son and decree(acceptable will, and perfect will if that thing is exactly what he has already provided for you for that time) .you are blessed!!!

Views: 55
Comments: 2
Posted: Oct 20, 2011
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oluwatobi alli commented:

Thanks Josephin...You are blessed!!

josephin kissinger commented:

so good. yr faith level is great.


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