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agama joel posted:

A thousand stars beckon me,
A million destinies to live for.
Isn't my life an infinite possibility?
Isn't my life an eternal truth?
In the minuscule world of reality,
In the naive world of existence,
Is not the spirit of a higher order,
With Greater things to do than just earn bread?

My horizons are limitless.
My vision is endless.
I am a star in a big, big Universe.
I have no beginning. I have no end.
I exist to sparkle. I live to shine.

Somewhere, someone always sees me as a star
And that gives me enough reason to smile.
Small glories of the material world pale
In face of the truth of my eternal existence.
Life, in it's simplest form,
Is a star, shining for someone, somewhere.
I am a star ! I live to SHINE !

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Posted: Nov 3, 2011
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