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Giovanni J posted:

I had this in my win locker, stored since who knows .. thought it was time to share it
lmk what you think

Title: Oath to perseverance

Although days get dark and nights even dimmer
I look at the end of the aisle and see the light, light that I myself have created,
That I´ve promised myself to mantain lit in order for me to find my way to sucess,
Something i believe in, something that i wish to acheive,that day after day i yearn more and more
Whenever i feel exhausted, whenever i feel like giving up, I remember that i once made myself a promise,
and i imgine how nice it´ll be once this promise is fulfilled
Then i get back up and realize its worth it !!! its worth every sleepless night, stress, headache tear,anger,frustration
becuase at the end I shall be rewarded
.......so just keep walking, even though sometimes it might just seem like a dead end, just keep walking,,,,,,you´ll get there


Views: 58
Comments: 2
Posted: Nov 9, 2011
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Roman Price commented:

Thanks for sharing this here Giovanni

Giovanni J commented:

June 2010 I wrote that, was going through a rough time in Costa Rica, I lived there for a year and a half, was a great experience but it wasnt always easy. :)


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