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Maria Teresa Nieto posted:

Recipe for forever

Gather all of the ingredients together,
so that they are close at hand!

Get a clean cloth and wipe the bowl clean
of any lingering dust from the past.

Take maturity, respect and friendship,
and stir gently.

Add unlimited amounts of compassion
and kindness, and mix well.

To this, add caring by the handfuls
and fold in trust.

Continue stirring gently, adding listening,
honesty, and large amounts of communication.

Slip in some dreams, goals,
and firm pieces of keeping promises.

Bake in a home filled with peace, beauty
and serenity.

Before you taste the finished product,
sprinkle liberally with patience, love,
and a touch of spice.

Serve very hot, with imagination on the side.

Author Unknown

Views: 70
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Posted: Nov 14, 2011
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