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Maria Teresa Nieto posted:



God designed my mind to be the door through which the power of his love flows into my life. My mind is where God’s love is brought to bear on the problems of life. When I fill my mind with the power of his love, miraculous things happen. But it’s not the mind that makes them take place. It’s God’s love that makes the miracles come to pass.

God’s love is the definitive cure for damaged emotions. God is a specialist at healing my heart and mind through the power of his love. He can heal my emotional wounds, remove my emotional scars, and wash away my guilt. God’s love gives me a completely new way of thinking and feeling.

Although God’s love will not change the bad things that happened to me in the past, it will erase their power. His love not only points me in the right direction, it also gives me the power to make the trip.

The most powerful force in the universe is God’s love, and when it fills my heart and mind, my life is never the same.

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Posted: Nov 18, 2011
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