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liu 佩霞 posted:

As long as I can remember, dogs are always reckoned as my family members. My life is filled with the barking. We talk with dogs, eat with dogs, and sometimes even dance with dogs. I love puppies with soft hair, short legs and their meaningful whisper in the sound dream.
However, today I am going to tell you a story that may be pretty heartrending.
2 years ago many greengrocers came to our thorp to grow and sell vegetables. One of them brought a dog to guard the field for him. The dog lived in a small shanty day and night. No sooner had it heard the sound of its master’s motorcycle than it wagged its tail and ran to him with pleasure.
Unfortunately, the dog couldn't expect its master anymore. He encountered a car accident and left it forever. The dog was still waiting for him day after day. It barked when somebody approached for fear that he may steal the vegetables. It came out from the shabby shanty again and again, looking along the direction that its master had come before. It still insisted on keeping its duty with loyalty. People in our thorp held sympathy for it, but didn’t fear to approach it.
A week later, it couldn’t move or bark, not to mention guarding the field. Finally, it died of hunger.
Dogs are always loyal to us. Love dogs, love the world.

Views: 112
Comments: 1
Posted: Nov 24, 2011
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Jakub S commented:

Very touching


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