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Parameswaran P posted:

Appreciations and honours reach a person only after his death. Those who could not even spend a smile, will spend more to buy garlands.

Views: 112
Comments: 4
Posted: Dec 27, 2010
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Parameswaran P commented:

When you sow the seeds of rice, you can not expect wheat or barley. When you trouble others, you can never expect anything good. God has sped up his judiciary. In modern times, He never keeps any case pending. Having a 'most powerful' remote in hand, He operates all toys (human beings) on this materialistic World. He is Almighty.

Roman Price commented:

I did it, I have about a 2 to 1 ratio of people dying untimely

Parameswaran P commented:

Whenever you get leisure time just sit with a cool mind and list all those who demised in your locality in the recent past.
Now you categorise them into two parts.
(1) Those who died at very early age (untimely)
(2) And those who died due to over-age(natural).
Now if you see the first category people almost 85% of them were very good and helpful.
Just try it out and get back to me. I will tell you the 'REASON'.

Roman Price commented:

Wow great words, people really do need to take the time and appreciate people more.


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