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Yec Zarah posted:


when she get through pain
you were born,she was your mother
when you went to school
she worked chores,she was your sister
when you worked in office
she build your home,she was your wife
when you grew old
she supported you,she was your daughter
when your life was lonely
she hugged you,she was your girlfriend
when day was busy like hell
she lend you coffee,she was your friend
when your spirits and morals are abysmally low
she was the force to make you grow
lean she may be in the appearance
deep within she is strong and bold
amidst the whirlwind of life
she will always stand by your side
with a dash of love and care
she will bless you entire world
driving you to grow every hour
under a bliss of dazzling sunshine

Views: 69
Comments: 1
Posted: Dec 7, 2011
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George P.V. commented:

Simply great thoughts!


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