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Grace Marie A posted:

Just for today, decide to be happy. To live with what is yours.
If you can't have what you want maybe you can like what you have.
Just for today, decide to be kind, cheerful, understanding and be your best. Dress your best. Talk softly. Look for the brighter side of things. Praise people instead of criticizing them.
Just for today, try it.
After all, it's just for a day.
Who know?
You might like it and do it again tomorrow.

Views: 440
Comments: 11
Posted: Feb 2, 2011
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Peter Mwaka commented:

Be grateful always.

Jakub S commented:

Great inspiration Grace, I posted it on the Facebook Fanpage

Sarah Jane Del Rosario commented:

i totally agree :D

jezrel cano commented:

can i share it to my facebook account?
this is really nice

prince champion commented:

beautifully inspiring

Inn B commented:

Nice one..

Marina V commented:


Grace Marie A commented:

:) Thanks... :0)

monika b commented:


Grace Marie A commented:

Yes, thank you for your compliment.

Trevor M commented:

Did you write that? It is really good.


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