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Jonathan R.B posted:

I recently read an article in January's issue of Success Magazine that had a piece on Robert Downey Jr.

Now here is someone who rised to the top, plateaued, "crashed and burned"; however rises again. According to Downey it's " the whole phoenix metaphor".

The article goes on to say that Downey's go to verb is: HONOR. Honor everything you do; your work, your business. Honor your relationships but more importantly: Honor yourself.

So whats the moral of the story? Learn from your mistakes and honor your life, on all levels.

What are your thoughts and comments?

I hope you enjoyed the post and that your Christmas was a special one! I know mine my was. Happy Holidays and Season's Greetings!

Take Care.


Views: 63
Comments: 2
Posted: Dec 27, 2011
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Roman Price commented:

Thanks for the great post brother.

Jakub S commented:

The toughest thing to do is reach the top, burn and then pick yourself up and climb the mountain again.


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