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Jaimon Saria posted:

I am one with all things
- in beauty, in ugliness, for whatsoever is
- there I am.
Not only in virtue but in sin too I am a partner,
and not only heaven but hell too is mine.
Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu - it is easy to be their heir,
but Ghengis, Taimur, and Hitler?
They are also within me!
No, not half - I am the whole of mankind!
Whatsoever is man's is mine
- flowers and thorns, darkness as well as light,
and if nectar is mine, whose is poison?
Nectar and poison - both are mine.

Whoever experiences this I call religious,
for only the anguish of such experience
can revolutionize life on earth.


Views: 68
Comments: 1
Posted: Jan 3, 2012
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JOY to the world commented:

This is to be truly human. Saint or sinner, God loves us all the same. Great post Jaimon.


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