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hassan shahbaz posted:

A great life lesson for every single one of us to understand is that life is what we make out of it. Your life, your wealth, your whole being isn't determined by status, or material things, it is determined by how you live it, and how you make use of every single resource that you may have available in it. Life is not about how much you have or where you have been, life is about what you will have with the hard work that you put into it, and where you will someday go with your hard work as well.

Life isn't about the miserable job that you may have right now, but instead it is about how you will use this miserable job as a step in your journey in life towards happiness and being fulfilled. Live your life to the fullest in every moment, and remember that we must treat all the little things in life as importantly as we treat the areas in our lives that we see as much larger.

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Posted: Jan 5, 2012
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