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universall empire posted:

The oldest are usually the smartest and wisest...unfortunately the books they may have studied and memorized are most likely outdated by about 30-40 years now. Educate yourself. Being wise comes with the territory. Think about it, University lasts 4 years. At the end of your 2nd year, the textbooks have been revised and updated. Then by the time you graduate, the incoming students will have an even more updated book than you had 4 years ago. In essence, you'll have outdated knowledge before you graduate. The highest paying Jobs in the last year or so didn't even exist 10 yrs ago. Think into the future, fold it, put it in ur pocket, and read it later. - Firas

Views: 75
Comments: 3
Posted: Jan 5, 2012
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universall empire commented:

Thanks guys, I sincerely appreciate it.

Roman Price commented:

Great post :)

Jakub S commented:

Great post


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