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Chevylya Salikin posted:

Roll up your sleeves, lad, and begin;
Disarm misfortune with a grin;
Let discontent not wag your chin-
Let gratitude.

Don't try to find things all askew;
Don't be afraid of what is new;
Nor banish as unsound, untrue,
A platitude.

If folks don't act as you would choose
Remember life is varied;
Use your common sense; don't get the blues;
Show latitude.

Sing, though, in quavering sharps and flats,
Love, though, the folk you love are cats,
Work, though, you're worn and weary-
That's the attitude.

~St. Clair Adams~

Views: 392
Comments: 1
Posted: Jan 9, 2012
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George P.V. commented:

Nice poem.


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