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hassan shahbaz posted:

Having the courage to talk to someone who you may be scared to talk to may open up doors that you never imagined would be open for you, sometimes we must be willing to take risks like talking to someone that we never knew would talk to us, and in turn we may find out that they have been the ones that have been waiting to talk to you. Life requires us at times to be more aggressive than we would normally like to be.

Instead of running from life, and the uncomfortable situations that we may expose ourselves to, it is important that we make our self comfortable in being in uncomfortable situations, and that we utilize the ability to take risks in our lives, because it is these types of situations that allow us to grow exponentially. We must be willing to talk to the people who we don't think will talk to us, and choose to go after experiences that we are uncertain about as well.

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Posted: Jan 13, 2012
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