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Kazeronnie Mak posted:


His feeling for her became more and more just a procedure and an obligation after they had married for 10 years.
The passions and the joys were gone long ago.
Kazrim had also lost his interest in her.
He expected to racket about all night long and hanged out with other women.

There came a young and lively girl who has madly attracted to him in the office.
He suddenly believed that she was his second chance.
He decided to divorce his wife after he pondered deeply over his future.
Galaxy was probably numb with him too, and agreed to divorce calmly.

They both went into the Divorce Division.
The formality was gone through very smoothly.
They were two free individuals when they came out.
Kazrim seemed to be in a daze unexpectedly.
He took a look at her and said, ' It's getting dark now. Let's go for a dinner !'
Galaxy looked him back quietly,
' Well, some say there is a new restaurant called - DIVORZIO.
It dedicates to perform a dinner for the divorce couples. Would you like to try ?'
Kazrim nodded.
They walked in tandem silently to the - RESTARUANT DIVORZIO.
' Good evening, Sir, Madam. ' a waitress welcomed them with friendly smile on her face.
She led them into a room.
' What would you like to order, please ?' said the waitress.
Kazrim looked at her, ' You make the orders.'
Galaxy shook her head, ' I don't often go out.
I'm not sure about these. It's better for
you make the orders.'
' I'm sorry Sir, Madam, we have a rule.
Gentleman orders her favorite dishes.
Lady orders his favorite dishes.
It names - THE LAST MEMORY. '

' Alright, a steamed fish, fried mushrooms,
and cold mixed cucumber in sauce. Hey, please remember not to put the ginger and garlic into its. My love... This gentleman doesn't eat it. Thanks. ' said Galaxy.
The waitress, ' Sir ?'
Kazrim was struck dumb. After 10 year of marriage, he even did not know what her favorite dishes was. He sat there like a dummy with embarrassment.
' Let's just have these for now. In fact, these are all our favorite dishes.'
Galaxy hastened to give him mediation.
The waitress said politely, ' To be frank, the people will never have an appetite when they come.
Let's forget - The last memory.

I suggest you to try our special design for all divorcees - cold drink.
No one will reject it.
They agreed, ' Let's to have the cold drink then.'

The waitress sent in two cold drinks before long.
One was a light blue color with cracked ice.
The other was a full glass of ruddy with steam.
Hope you will enjoy !' said the waitress and left the room.
Kazrim and Galaxy sat face to face in the room soundlessly.
They did not know what to say at that moment.

The waitress knocked at the door gently and entered with a branch of bright red rose. ' Sir, do you still remember when did you send a rose
to this lady at the very first time ?
Everything is over now. As the old saying goes : Merry meet merry part. Please send this lady a rose for the very last time !'

Galaxy trembled slightly. In retrospect, the scene of the flower which he sent to her 10 years ago was emerged from her mind.
They were the strangers in a complete strange city and the days they struggled for a living.
She worked at the market stalls and Kazrim brushed the dishes in a beanery for the sake of the family.
They returned to that less than 10 square meters home in the basement until very late at nights.
Although life was really tough, they were honesty happy.
The most memorable was as they lived in the city for the first year.
Her eyes were brimmed with tears when Kazrim bought her a bright red rose at Valentine day.
The 10 years were gone and their family's circumstance has greatly improved.
They headed towards the different path, but.
Galaxy ruminated on what had happened to their marriage.
Unwittingly, her eyes were laden with tears.
She shook her head, ' No thanks. '
Then, Kazrim recalled that he had not bought her a flower some six years at least.
He said, ' No, I buy it.'
The waitress tore the rose into half and put it into the drinks.
It melted instantly.
' The rose was particularly made of the glutinous flour.
Hope you will enjoy ! Please let me know if you need help.' said the waitress and left.

Kazrim tried to reach out for her hand.
Her hand moved back slightly,
Galaxy did not resist lastly.
They gazed at each other in silence.
It seemed like thousands of words well up from their hearts, yet, their lips were sealed.

' Crack !'
The room was black out all of a sudden.
The alarm went off and a smell of smoke was drifting into from the door gap.
' What's wrong ?' The two jumped up.
Someone shouted loudly, ' The place is on fire ! Everyone have to run ! Hurry up ! '
Galaxy flung herself into his arms, '
My dear, I'm scared !'
Kazrim embraced her tightly, ' Don't be scared, I'm here. Let's us rush out together.'
They found that there had no trace of fire and everything was the same as usual.
They were astonished when they stood at the dining hall.
The waitress, ' Sir, Madam, I'm sorry. There is no fire in our restaurant.
The smoke was made on purpose. It is the fourth dish which we offer you.
Please return to your room.'

Kazrim took her hand tenderly when they were back into the room again.
He said, ' What the lady said was right !
It was the genuine choice of our hearts.
Actually, we are dependent on each other.
We remarry tomorrow !'
Galaxy gnawed at her lip lightly and said,
' Are you willing ?'
' Yes, I'm willing. I now comprehend what the most precious is. We do it early the next morning.'
he said, as his eyes welled with tears.
Kazrim called for the bill, then.

The waitress handed them each a very delicate red bill.
She said, ' It is our restaurant's souvenir for you.
Hope you would keep it forever !'

Tears streamed down his face when Kazrim read
the content.
Galaxy asked anxiously, ' What's happening ?'
He passed her the bills and said,
' Honey, I'm so sorry !'
The content :
A sweet home. / Two hands full of toil. / Great care and concern for you and the kids at all seasons. / Prepare your favorite dishes. / A light is on to welcome you home always. / Defend your reputation with all her life. / A genial smile of the seventy granny. / A youth is faded away for you.

Galaxy shared her bill with him and said,
' My dear, I'm sorry. You have been laborious all these years. I have ignored your feelings too.'
The content :
A man's responsibility. / A heart is attached to her and the kids always. /
Two shoulders to bear with burdens. / A wrinkled face proves the hardships of life. /
The grievance is to endure. / A man has been on the run all days. /
He is just a simpleton among all sentient beings.

They could not help but hugged and sobbed.
They were greatly moved by the manager and
the staff for their kindness.
They went home hand in hand after expressed
their deep gratitude to them.
The manager looked at the sights of their back with happiness.
He delighted with smile and said,
' I have succeeded to retrieve a sweet home once again ! If the couples come to have a dinner in our restaurant and have a prudent consideration before divorce, they will surely make a different consequence.'


Life is never been easy.
To maintain a perfect marriage is much harder.
But, we still have to believe in marriage.
We still have to believe in true love.
The old saying : No one is perfect.
This is always right !

Not everyone has the title to love or be loved.
If you can love and be loved,
Be sure to love with all your soul.

Do you still remember ?
You both vowed that you would live in harmony
and mutual respect and grow old together
at the wedding ceremony.

I always believe that only the true love can overcome all the difficulties !

Views: 55
Comments: 2
Posted: Jan 24, 2012
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JOY to the world commented:

So touching. Marriage is a life time commitment that could only be made permanent by the couple's great love for each other. Great story.

Jakub S commented:

I am glad it worked :)


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