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Grace Marie A posted:

Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow, without a little rain.
Living after the painful parts of our lives is what helps us build character, and become the best person that we can possibly become. One thing that we must remember when dealing with hurt, anger and pain in our lives is that when dealing with it, holding on to it, and looking back wishing that you did things differently when you had the chance is a good way to feel this pain longer than you need to.

We experience the pain in our lives in the moments that we do in order to best learn from them, not to hold on to them and wish that we would have handled our lives differently. What is most important in our lives is not how our life begins but rather how the last chapters in our lives end. Though it is important to cherish yesterday, it is also important to dream for tomorrow, and to live each day as thoroughly as possible.

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Posted: Jan 26, 2012
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