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hassan shahbaz posted:

One quality we all must learn to develop early in our lives is to not just wish for things. Yes, it is very important for everyone to have dreams in their lives, to set goals, and to desire to success. Since we never know how much time that we really have on the earth to do the things that we truly desire so we must be willing to not only wish for things, but to go after our desires with action.

We have to be willing to not only dream, but to take steps towards realizing our dreams, to not only set goals, but also be willing to do the things necessary to go after our goals. Though in some aspects of our lives being patient and waiting will benefit us greatly, but when it pertains to the desires that we have in our hearts, we have to be willing to simply go for it. Life is too short to wait around just wishing.

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Posted: Feb 12, 2012
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