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Sandra Obiora posted:

The grey zone is a terribly dangerous place to abide.
It is caught in-between the black and the white.
In-between what is bad, and what is good.
It is the otherwise for both themes. Confused.

Thus one must understand the 'grey zone' to truly avoid it.
It neither agrees nor disagrees with.
It is where you please two parties at once.
It appeases the killer and the victim.

It appeases corruption, and the cheated.
It agrees with justice, yet concurs with deception.
It understands the story and purpose of Jesus,
But also chooses to soothe the flesh when it wants.

The grey zone is a terribly dangerous place to abide.
The seats in the grey zone are plenteous.
Should you be seated there now, hastily arise and chose; right or wrong.
For through either door, is indemnity. For surety is the best place to find a seat.

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Posted: Feb 20, 2012
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