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anne vera posted:

A poor boy loved a rich girl.
Finally One fine day the boy proposed the girl.

Then the girl said, “listen! your monthly salary is my daily hand expenses. Should I be involved with you? How could you thought that? I will never love you. So, forget me and get engaged with someone else of your level.”

But somehow the boy could not forget her so easily.

10 years later…

One day they came face to face in a shopping center. The lady said, “Hey! you! How are you? Now I'm married.

Do you know how much is my husband's salary? Rs. 2 lac per month! Can you imagine? 'n he is also very smart.”

The guy's eyes got wet with tear by hearing those words.

After few minutes her husband came before the lady could say something to the guy, her husband started to say by seeing the guy.

“Sir! You here? Meet my wife.” Then he said to her wife, “I'm going to assist a project of sir, which is of Rs. 200 crore. 'and do u know a fact? Sir loved a girl but he didn't get her. That's why still he is unmarried. How much lucky the girl was. Isn't it? Now a days who can love like that way?”


Life is not so short. So, don't be so proud of yourself, your status or money. Everything changes with time even beauty, but not Love. So respect others feelings...

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Posted: Feb 22, 2012
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