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Kayla Paraiso posted:

Guys. Listen up.

YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS. I don't care what you're doing or how busy you are. Stop what you're doing, right now, and click play. I'm serious.

You have a voice. Use it. Use it for these kids out there who don't have a voice.

You might not think it'll make a difference at all whether you watch this or not - you're wrong. It makes all the difference.

You need to watch this. You need to care. You need to spread this. Now.

Views: 47
Comments: 3
Posted: Mar 7, 2012
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Roman Price commented:

I shared this as well thanks to Kayla who brought it to my attention first.

Kayla Paraiso commented:

tessa, you're awesome. that is all.

Tessa Zimmerman commented:

I am going to put this on TeenSanity:)!!!


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