
It happened yesterday, or the day before.
Maybe months ago.
Or years ago.
But you're still hanging on.
You carry that anger or that resentment.
You think about it and you get upset.
Or Angry.
You feel like somebody stole something from you
How could you be so foolish
How could you make such a mistake
Everyday you beat yourself up over it.
You can't change what happened in the past.
But you just can't let go.
So you keep remembering it.
And when you do you fill your mind with negative thoughts.
You can't sleep.
You want to do something but don't know what.
You just keep hanging on to those memories.
You keep thinking about what happened.
The negative thoughts keep coming...
You just can't let go...
But you CAN let go.
You have to let got
And you CAN move on.
You CAN stop beating yourself up
You CAN get rid of those negative thoughts.
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Never look back Read of those negative thoughts Thing positive Start new day fresh