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Chill posted:

Value What You Have - - - The Song of the Birds story

The owner of a small business, a friend of the poet Olavo Bilac, met him on the street and asked him: “Mr.Bilac, I need to sell my small farm, the one you know so well. Could you please write an announcement for me for the paper?”

Bilac wrote: “For Sale, a beautiful property, where birds sing at dawn in extensive woodland, bisected by the brilliant and sparkling waters of a large stream. The house is bathed by the rising sun. It offers tranquil shade in the evenings on the veranda.”

Some time later, the poet met his friend and asked whether he had sold the property? To which he replied: “I've changed my mind when I read what you had written, I realized the treasure that was mine.”

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Posted: Apr 4, 2012
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