Raising Children Who Travel Well
Traveling can be a dreaded situation for some parents. Most children tend to be restless and rambunctious or even downright boisterous while traveling. It is very important that parents are raising children who are pleasant and respectful travelers. It doesn't matter whether you are going to the grocery store in the family car, taking a cruise or flying to visit Disneyworld, you must be parenting kids to behave in all forms of transportation.
Riding In the Car
Everybody rides in the family vehicle on nearly a daily basis. Many people simply believe that their kids will outgrow their poor behavior while in the car. This is not true. You should be raising kids to know the rules for riding in the car, as distractions are dangerous and could be deadly for all in the vehicle.
One of the best tips for parenting kids who ride in the car properly is to have a few special toys in the vehicle. These toys should never be allowed to leave the confines of the car. The children will look forward to playing with their special toys, and stop being problematic on car trips.
Longer trips, such as vacations will require a little more preparation. You will need a variety of items like coloring books, Barbie dolls, action figures or even a personal DVD player with some new movies. Be sure to have headphones for the DVD players if you have more than one child. Those small and relatively inexpensive items will help you in raising children to be quiet and well-behaved in the car.
Cruising On a Boat
Many people enjoy taking cruises for their family vacation; however, most fail to realize that this can be boring for the kids. Sure, cruise ships have programs that are designed specifically to keep children occupied so that their parents can have fun, but few run children' events twenty-four hours per day. This must be taken into consideration if you wish to be raising children to travel well.
It's wise to make sure that the cruise you are planning has tons of things for your kids to do while on-board the vessel. There are few things worse than raising children who are disruptive to the other passengers because they are bored. You can curtail this behavior by planning ahead and bringing some new toys or games on vacation with you. Hand-held video games or even some age appropriate down-loadable games for your smart phone are perfect for occupying an ornery child on a cruise ship.
Flying in a Plane
It is very important for you to be raising kids who will be able to fly in an airplane without creating problems for those around them. Nearly every traveler has had an experience with a poorly behaved and disruptive child on a plane. Other passengers often talk about these horrible experiences for quite some time. You surely wouldn't want to be the person remembered as the one who was parenting kids who simply would not behave on a trip.
Age appropriate magazines such as Highlight, Tiger Beat or Nick magazine will keep your kids occupied, especially if they don't have subscriptions to them. They will be a real treat and keep them busy for a couple of hours. It is also important to bring chewing gum with you. Experts on raising children believe that poor behavior while flying can be caused by ear pressure. Chewing gum will help the child's ears to pop and relieve the pressure and discomfort. You should also bring other snacks such as chips or fruit to alleviate any hunger complaints. These tips will show others that you are raising children to be pleasant and respectful fliers.
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