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Love De Asis posted:

Word Magic

Some words gallop, some words prance,
Some words, scamper, other dance
Laughing, dancing, prancing, say
These words skipping on the way!

Some words boiter on the page
Like people tired with age,
Creeping, crawling, halting slow,
Down a weary road to go.

There are glistening words that shine
Like rainbowcolors from each line;
Silver, lavender and rose,
Emerald, crystal like new snows.

There are floating, flying words
Like the soaring wings of birds;
Gliding, diving, rising high
Words that seem to brush the sky1

Words are magic.Sad or gay,
what words will you try today?

~ Luise Abney

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Posted: Apr 18, 2012
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