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Rosie Ros posted:

“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven,
Whose sin is covered" Psalm 32:1.

Is it still hard to consider the thought of forgiving the one who hurt you?

We'll never be able to wash the feet of those who've hurt us until we allow Jesus, the one we've hurt, to wash ours. That's the secret of forgiveness. You'll never forgive anyone more than God has already forgiven you.

Watch Jesus as He goes from disciple to disciple. Can you hear the water splash? Keep that image. John 13:12 says, “When He had finished washing their feet…” Note, He finished washing their feet. He left no one out. That's important! It means He also washed the feet of Judas. Jesus washed the feet of His betrayer.

That's not to say it was easy for Jesus. That's not to say it's easy for you. That IS to say-God will never call you to do what He hasn't already done!

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Posted: Apr 27, 2012
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