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Roman Price posted:

"Without winter, we wouldn't enjoy summer as much." Roman Price

Thanks to the bad days we enjoy the good day's twice as much.

Views: 614
Comments: 2
Posted: May 3, 2012
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Dominique Fernandez commented:

My Godfather once wrote to me:

When I say I wish you the sufficient amount of something I am saying that I hope you have a life filled with good things that will keep you positive.

I wish you the sufficient amount of sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you the sufficient amount of rain so that you may appreciate the sun.
I wish you the sufficient amount of happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you the sufficient amount of pain so that the small pleasures of life seem bigger.
I wish you the sufficient amount of gain to satisfy your desires.
I wish you the sufficient amount of loss so you may appreciate all that you have.
I wish you the sufficient amount of welcomings so that you can learn to handle the goodbyes.
I wish you the sufficient amount of "hellos" to take you through the "Final Goodbye".

Wish the best to everyone and that same energy will always find you.

JOY to the world commented:

Agree with you Roman...


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