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Noah Brown posted:

Raising Kids with Solid Values
Many years ago, parents used to instill their values into their children by drumming them in their heads or even paddling their bottoms in hope they remember proper behavior. Fortunately, society has evolved. Parents have learned that raising kids with solid values is easy, if done in a kinder and gentler fashion.
Start with Self-Esteem
Every parent should learn how to effectively boost their child's self-esteem. Lots of mothers and fathers say things such as “You're the best”, You're so awesome” or even “You are absolutely perfect”. Although these compliments may seem to be a great way to let your child know how you feel at the time, you're child's mind picks up that you are there to make him or her happy.
It is much better to say things like “Wow, you should be very proud of yourself” or “You should be pleased with how hard you tried”. These are much better ways to improve your child's self-esteem and your parent child relationship as well.
Learn to Listen
One of the most important values a child needs to know is how to listen. It is of the utmost importance that you, the parent knows how to listen and cares about what your child has to say. Without effective communication, the child parent relationship will suffer and your child simply won't come to you when he needs to talk or has a problem.
Being a parent also means that you need to change with the times. Every generation seems to come up with a language or jargon of its own. In the past, kids used to say “hip”, “groovy”, “keen” and “wild”. Nowadays, kids use the terms “that sucks” or “sick” to describe things. Of course, banning the use of swear words is fine but if you want to be raising children who will openly speak to you, it is wise to allow them to use the lingo that is current at the time.
Money Matters
Most children consistently want new toys, dolls or games. This is simply a fact of life that comes along with parenting kids. At an early age, children must learn to differentiate between their needs and their wants. Before going to any store, smart parents will talk to their children and explain exactly what items they will be shopping for that day.
If you are only planning to purchase groceries, tell the children that toys, candy and other wants are not on your list and you will only be buying the items that you absolutely need. This will help you to be raising kids who behave in a store, know the difference between wants and needs and will grow up to be financially responsible adults.
Stranger Danger
All too many people who are raising children tell them never to talk to strangers. Naturally, being a parent means that you should do all that you can to protect your children however; that phrase merely teaches them to fear everyone they don't know.
It's best to tell your children that everyone isn't a good person so they should check with you before talking to any adult. This will strengthen the parent child relationship by teaching them to trust your judgment.
Raising Kids to Share
Let's face it. Most children go into panic mode when someone else touches one of their playthings. This is a normal reaction. It isn't easy being a parent to a child who refuses to share. You will need to teach him that sharing is a good thing to do.
An easy way to teach about sharing is by taking a trip to the library. The library not only helps parents to enjoy books but your child will also learn about sharing books and toys with others in the Children's Room. The ability to share is a useful tool that he will use all of his life. Your trips to the library will also enhance the parent child bond. Bonding is essential for raising kids who are happy and well-adjusted individuals.

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Comments: 1
Posted: May 8, 2012
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