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Katella Bliss posted:

Never trust someone who lies to you. Never lie to someone who trust you.

It has never been easy establishing trust in a relationship, especially when this is a distant relationship. As human, it is really very difficult to build a trust because we are not perfect. Because of this, sometimes we are able to half-fudge the truth to hide what is painful and justify our acts by the reason that we don't want to ruin a relationship or something special in our life or something we are used to having around. But after all... its still a lie cause there is no such thing as white or black lies. Once you withheld the truth its already a lie.

If we want to establish real relationship or connection with people in our lives we must be willing to be as honest as possible.

There is no such thing as a half truth, and there is no such thing as not telling the whole truth. When it comes to being honest, you can either be true or tell a lie, and while it may seem plausible at some points, nothing calls for a lie.

Views: 28
Comments: 2
Posted: May 13, 2012
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Katella Bliss commented:

cheers ken!

Ken Owino commented:



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