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sam kwarteng posted:

Things change. And friends leave. And life doesn't stop for anybody.
The crazy thing about life is that though we make plans of the future, even plans that may sometimes include people in our lives in which we may really care about at the moment; there are many things in our lives that we simply cannot plan for. One important fact of life is that no matter what we do, sometimes things just change. Sometimes the people that we once cared so much for will become the people that we can no longer be around, and sometimes the friends that we think will be in our lives forever somehow leave out of our lives before we can ever get a good chance to say goodbye.

We must all remember that life isn't going to stop just because our plans may fall through, and just because we are heartbroken over someone leaving out of our lives. We must be able to pick up the pieces that our life shatters into sometimes, do our best to hold things together, and continue working hard towards the goals and dreams that we have set in our minds and hearts. Even though things change, and even though friends leave, we have to realize that life doesn't stop for anybody, and to never stop moving forward.

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Posted: Jun 9, 2012
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