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May C posted:

The complexities of this world can not hinder the thousand smiles brought about by lifepulp through the kindness, honesty, truthfulness and belief with one another brought about by the inspirations shared with love and faith to each other as one in goal and motivation to uplift a soul reaching out. It retaliates in kind because of the willingness to give without expecting anything in return but the joy it gives and the beauty it brings in spreading out the word of Love.

Views: 18
Comments: 3
Posted: Jun 13, 2012
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Marina V commented:


Prince GGG commented:

so sweet....

May C commented:

my compliments to Roman, Jakub and Joy in bringing out this site . More power and may this site grow and be an instrument in reaching to a thousand other people in need of such inspirations. I am glad to be a part of this site. Keep on spreading the disease of smiles, love and laughter..


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