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love jack posted:

I could go on for a go0d long time about everything that stands about my m0m and makes her absolutely super some of the very best things that make the top of my list are...

-She is no quitter
-she has quiet grace and dignity
-she is selfless,loving,kind,caring,supportive and completely go0d
-she keeps on movin on 2better things no matter how much s0me people may try to sabotage the g0od that does exist in this world
-She has strength,faith and courage
-she gives me help and advice when i need it
-she is the most inspiring w0man i kn0w 4she has inspired me to sho0t for the stars
-9months aint a joke
-She is my c0mforter and friend forever
-She is very sincere
-She doesnt pretend to be s0me she is n0t
-She over came o obstacles life had thr0wn at her,she never let them get her down
-She is not an actress or rock star but she is my silent super hero
-she empowers me to do the best i can and achieve my goals..

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Posted: Jun 16, 2012
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