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Atede Joy Ojochenemi posted:

NEVER LOOK BACK; NOT EVERYBODY HAS A SECOND CHANCE! cos if u look back it'll set u back & instead of glowing & making good use of ur present u'll be wailing cos of ur past. let me use my story as an example: I was an athlete back in school, i do run races, so for our teacher to pick like the best ten to compete with other houses, we were all told to run, as we were running, i gave them enough gap, only that there was this short girl actually my junior, was trying to close up on me, then i thought, why don't i just look back, just to steal a glance at them to know how far i've left them, then suddenly,within a flash, all of them just ran past me, i was dazed & dumbfounded. I was the first moving with full speed, just that mistake of looking back, caused me to be the last, but later on, my teacher sensing what happened had 2 set a re-match 4 just 3 of us,& that's how i was chosen among the five contestants, i was not only chosen among the ten but among the five & we won!!! So it's not everybody that has a second chance. Or just like Lot's wife in the Bible, that an Angel of God warned never to look back, 'cos she was thinking of her past, those accursed things that she had to leave behind, without knowing that she will have more than that where she's going, she turned into a pillar of salt. So leave ur past, dn't dwell in ur past. most of all give ur life to Christ & u will enjoy every privilege that sinners don't, even if they feel they're on top of the world, but ur name is recorded in the book of life in Heaven.. moreover, be careful of the voice u hearken to & always run against the wind...

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Posted: Mar 12, 2011
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