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Grace Marie A posted:

America, one of the richest and powerful country, lost thousands of lives last 09-11,01..
Now, Japan, one of the richest and wisest country in the world lost thousands of lives last 03-10-11
Add the dates....
=12-21-12 -> last day of the Mayan calendar and in the 2012 movie. What thus this mean? Thus it make sense? Let's all pray for ourselves and for others. Let's all help save MOTHER EARTH...!

Views: 98
Comments: 4
Posted: Mar 15, 2011
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Marina V commented:


Grace Marie A commented:

precisely... There's something to do with this thing on what is happenning right now...

Dave Sodowski commented:

That is interesting, maybe a coincidence, maybe something more

Grace Marie A commented:

Do the first step to save MOTHER EARTH...
She's waiting for our actions with this problem.


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