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emilio sikat posted:

Romans 12:19" Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord"....Don't do it my Friend! If you defend yourself, then the Lord can't defend you. Leave it in the hands of Our Lord.

Views: 125
Comments: 4
Posted: Mar 16, 2011
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Marina V commented:


JOY to the world commented:

So true. It is wiser to forgive. It heals and it gives us joy and inner peace.

emilio sikat commented:

Thanks Roby G for the pulf and comment!Where you from? i used to live at QC but now I'm American Samoa...Take care! God Bless!

roby g commented:

very true.... and the best is to forgive them...


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