Many many ask the question, "WHY Are WE Here?"
The HOLY Bible Clearly Answers The Question...
We Are here To Be ambassadors of CHRIST
and kings & priests to GOD
Hebr 3:1
Therefore, Holy Brethren,
Partakers of the heavenly Calling,
The Apostle and High Priest of Our Confession,
Christ Jesus,
1Peter 2:9
But you Are a Chosen generation, a royal Priesthood, a Holy nation,
His Own special people,
that you may Proclaim the praises of HIM who Called you Out of darkness
Into HIS marvelous Light;
Coloss 1:27
To them GOD Willed to make Known What are the riches of The Glory of this Mystery
among the Gentiles:
which is
the Hope of Glory.
2Corin 4:7
But we have this Treasure (Christ) in earthen Vessels (Us),
that the excellence of the power may Be of GOD and Not of us.
Both men & women were Specifically made
both individually and Corporately
to both contain & express GOD
Hallelujah to Jesus Christ The Able, Faithful, and Sovereign One, The Living God, our Elder Brother!
ALL Glory Be To HIS HOLY Name!
Worthy IS The Lion-Lamb, The KING of kings!
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