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B Maddigan posted:

Isaiah 52:14
As many were Astonished at HIM--

Beyond human semblance,


beyond that of the sons of men--

so shall HE Startle many nations;

kings Shall Shut their mouths
Because of HIM;

for that which has Not been told them
they Shall SEE,
and that which they have Not heard
they Shall UNDERSTAND.

Isa 53:2
For HE shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, And as a root out of Dry ground.

HE has NO form or comeliness;

And when we see HIM,
There is NO beauty that we should desire HIM.

HE is Despised and Rejected
by Men,

A Man of Sorrows
and Acquainted with Grief.

And WE Hid, as it were,
our faces From HIM;

HE was despised,
and WE did Not esteem HIM.

Now, Not like the artists and icons portray
Him is He?

HIS' IS The MOST Beautiful HEART of All & Ever!

Hallelujah To JESUS! AMEN!


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Posted: Mar 29, 2011
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