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Roman Price posted:

New Feature - Profile Inspirations Counter

LifePulp has launched a counter that will keep track of the 'inspirational moments' you create by posting inspirations.

Below your profile photo you'll see a counter, every-time any of your inspirational posts NEW or OLD on LifePulp are read it will go up +1.

Special THANKS to Joy Lagrimas for creating over 70,000 plus inspirational moments in a short few months. Her contributions to LifePulp amongst many other great members have made this one special place to visit.

Feedback is welcome!

Comments: 6
Posted: Jun 14, 2011 in Good News!
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spyrose ƸӜƷ commented: congrats Joy! am so happy for you! you really great!
George P.V. commented: Dear Joy, You have created over 70,000 plus inspirational moments in a short few months! Amazing! You have rendered great service by inspiring so many people all over the world.Keep it up! May you continue your mission with greater vigor & enthusiasm. May God bless your noble work!
Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented: great .. congrats ate joy. you are really inspired many people.
Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented: great .. congrats ate joy. you are really inspired many people.
☆Effendy Karto☆ commented: Congratulation Joy Lagrimas. Keep on going with this. You really touches the hearts of many.
JOY to the world commented: Thanks to life pulp and to you Roman and to your staff. It's a great honor and this will inspir me more to keep inspiring here at my beloved life pulp. May God bless us all.