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JOY to the world commented:

Hi Melvin. Missing your posts these days. Life Pulp needs young blood like you to inspire us adults. Keep inspiring...

Roman Price sent a gift:

Always great reading your inspirations here on LifePulp brother!

JOY to the world commented:

May our risen Lord bless you with His love, peace and joy. Happy Easter, Melvin.

JOY to the world commented:

Have a blessed Good Friday, Melvin.

Marina V sent a gift:

I was kind of late to say this but better late then never MELVIN CONGRATULATIONS FOR REACHING 100.000 INSPIRATIONAL MOMENTS ALL THE BEST

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Melvin Fajardo Veneracion

Inspirations Created


Just Saying

People vanish, people die. People laugh and people cry. Some give up, some will try. Some say hi, while some say bye. Others may forget, but never will I.Have a great day lifepulpers!! I love u all!!! hahahaha


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