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Roman Price posted:

LifePulp Success Story

LifePulp member writes,

Hi there Roman

I am impressed with the site you've made. It helped me lessen my burden as I go on through heart breaking moments by just reading and seeing positive messages being posted by my fellow members of lifepulp. It keeps me inspired every time I open my account.

It made me realize that there is more to life than by just weeping all alone by myself. Those posts give me reasons why I should go on with life. You know, maybe in some part you can relate how it feels being in this situation, it's so hard... I've treasured that relationship I once had for 3 years, it became my routine... It's in my system already but one day I surrendered because I finally realized it does no good for me now.

I've been hurt over and over by the person I loved the most. I spent many nights crying, waking up and thinking of him. Everyplace I go there's something that reminds me of him. Now, I'm still feeling the pain of being heart broken, but slowly I now know what to do. I do relate in some of the posts I see and some of it gives me encouragement, some gives me courage to move on.

Thank you for being a part of my moving on... More power.

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Comments: 2
Posted: Jun 14, 2012 in LifePulp Success Sto
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May C commented: wonderful post! Sometimes we do not need to see eye to eye or face to face with a person just to be heard or understood. A listening ear is all we need to unburden yet there is still an option....and that is by reading. Reading are thoughts manifested through prints and it is there wherein we can put our feelings or emotions on what is happening around us. The people whom we never even met or will never even meet in our lifetime, it is just like being there with you, when you share the same passions through writing. You become interconnected as one in ideals and motivations. It is just like an invisible hand reaching out knowing that each one cared enough to send encouragements like on this site. i know there will be other more people who will have successful interactions with lifepulp
Roman Price commented: It is my personal belief that in life, there are no ends... Simply beautiful and exciting new beginnings :)