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JASPREET PANESAR's 10 subscribers:
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- today i went out and i saw something that really surprised me,...
- Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are....
- Try not to become a man of success but a man of value. Albert...
- life is a game play it safe and try to understand what you did not...
- Impossible is nothing! Its our thoughts that influence our action...
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Hey Jaspreet, thanks for your views and opinions as they are always welcome.
The staff and the LifePulp members have just finished promoting EarthDay 2011, it succeeded beyond our wildest expectations. Everyone did a great job! For more info check this link out www.lifepulp.com/blog?bid=86
Also, LifePulp's main purpose is to enrich the mind mentally, there are great organizations out there who's main purpose is to save the earth. GreenPeace is one of them, if your serious about your quest I do encourage you to check them out via this link www.GreenPeace.org
I hope this helps, I am the founder of the site so if you have any more questions feel free to write on my profile wall, I will alway have time to reply, more then that I will always be happy to talk to you my friend :)
Blessing having you here with us, your heart is in a good place :)
Your friend,
failure is the way to success, success handled right doubles yet that handled with egocentric notions lead to failure, so handle it with care better still start caring about what you handle!
Thanks for joining LifePulp
life is a total inpiration, the more you live it , the more you realize its abysmal beauty!