Life is too short!to wake up in the morning with love the ones who treat you right,forget the ones who dont and believe everything happens for a reason.If you get a chance take it,if it changes your life,let it.Nobody said it would be easy,they just said it would be worthy it.MORNING GUYS!!
The reasonable man adapt himself to the world.The unreasonable one persist in trying to adapt the world to himself.Therefor the whole progress depends on the unreasonable funny!!
love the earth and the sun and the animals,despise riches,give arms to every one that asks,stand up for the crazy,devote your income and labor to others.....and your very flesh shall be a great poem
This is the beginning of a new day.You have been gigen this day to use it as you wish.You can use it or waste it for good.What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.When tomorrow comes this day will be gone for ever,in its place is something that you have left behind .......let it be something GOOD!!!
Marina V commented (on 2012-06-13):Hi Good Morning Absolutely right new day give us lots of opportunity if we can used wisely productively and successfully day will be great......So lets do something good!!!!!
Happy Jackson commented (on 2012-06-13):Thanks for the comment.Doing something good is everyones inspiration and whay anyone yearns on the beginning of each new day.
As you do that keeping the inner person in you alive can be the best
and a help to doing the latter.
Marina V commented (on 2012-06-13):Hi ....You absolutely right I am agree with you doing something good is everyones inspiration Keep inspiring!!!....Thanks
Life is too short!to wake up in the morning with love the ones who treat you right,forget the ones who dont and believe everything happens for a reason.If you get a chance take it,if it changes your life,let it.Nobody said it would be easy,they just said it would be worthy it.MORNING GUYS!!
The reasonable man adapt himself to the world.The unreasonable one persist in trying to adapt the world to himself.Therefor the whole progress depends on the unreasonable funny!!
love the earth and the sun and the animals,despise riches,give arms to every one that asks,stand up for the crazy,devote your income and labor to others.....and your very flesh shall be a great poem
This is the beginning of a new day.You have been gigen this day to use it as you wish.You can use it or waste it for good.What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.When tomorrow comes this day will be gone for ever,in its place is something that you have left behind .......let it be something GOOD!!!
As you do that keeping the inner person in you alive can be the best
and a help to doing the latter.