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Roman Price sent a gift:

Yuwen, LifePulp is verifying ALL profiles. It's quick and super easy.

Sometime soon, if not already you will see a rectangle at the top of your screen. Please follow the quick 1 step verification process. It will only take a minute.

This will help us a great deal in future upgrades for new and exciting features. Thank you so much.

Prince GGG commented:

Hi YUWEN, Nice to see you at Lifepulp, please subscribe my posts...God bless, n keep inspiring.TC

Roman Price commented:

Yuwen I wanted to thank you for joining LifePulp! Great having you here.

IM sorry I had to delete your posts through the ;Post Now' button. That are is for wisdom/inspirational quotes, videos and pictures.

But feel free to post anything you like here on your personal profile :)

LifePulp is the best sounrce of motivational and inspirational daily content. Feel free to read as much as you'd like dear friend.

Your friend,

yuwen huang commented:

so...how to use this web?

yuwen huang

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