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iendrix baral commented:

hey! thanks for subscribing...

JOY to the world commented:

Happy Easter Christopher. May our risen Lord bless you abundantly.

christopher julius commented (on 2012-04-07):
Happy Easter to you too.His suffering will never be in vain in your life .Thanks for always inspiring us . You are an Angel ...
christopher julius commented (on 2012-04-07):AMEN ! AMEN!! AMEN !!
JOY to the world commented (on 2012-04-07):Thanks brother. May God bless you too for spreading His word.
Last Reply: 2012-04-07
Total Replies: 4 (1 more)
Roman Price commented:

Hey Christopher. Please ignore the user who posted on your profile asking for you to email them.

It was a spammer and we deleted them off the site.

So great having you as a member! Thanks for joining :)

Eisa Rene Batallones commented:

Hello Damalu great to know you here at lifepulp hope to read more inspirational words from you in future

christopher julius commented (on 2012-02-23):Its nice meetin you too and i must say i enjoyed ur post keep it up.And by the way u can just call me Julius,Dolamu Is my country name because i'm from Nigeria.
Last Reply: 2012-02-23
Total Replies: 1

christopher julius

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I just connected my Facebook with LifePulp; as a bonus I got this status feature on my profile.


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