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aning hayford commented:

The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone.

JOY to the world commented:

May our risen Lord bless you with His love, peace and joy. Happy Easter, Rosie.

Rosie Ros commented (on 2012-04-11):Wow, Beautiful! Thank you so much Joy. It was beautiful! Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Much love and prayers to you dear. So very thoughtful! ;-)
Last Reply: 2012-04-11
Total Replies: 1
JOY to the world commented:

Have a blessed Holy Week Rosie.

Rosie Ros commented (on 2012-04-05):Thank you and blessed Easter to you!
aning hayford commented (on 2012-05-14):
The Angels were all singing out of tune,
And hoarse with having little else to do,
Excepting to wind up the sun and moon
Or curb a runaway young star or two.
Last Reply: 2012-05-14
Total Replies: 2
Roman Price commented:

Great to read your inspirations as always Rosie :)

Rosie Ros commented (on 2012-04-14):Thanks, its a pleasure being here!
Roman Price commented (on 2012-05-25)::)
Last Reply: 2012-05-25
Total Replies: 2
abass ayouba commented:

hello bonjour ses moi abass je vien de benin main je cherche une famme que moi avec lui om sera des amis merci je vour t'aime

e kelvin hachiuly commented:

u look beautiful thanks be to your parent and your lovely husband.....i am Hachiuly and like to be your friend i am from Atlanta in the USA..love to say yes.....

Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-10-04):Thanks Kevin. Fearfully and wonderfully made by our Lord...thanks to Him and Him alone. Sure we can be friends. God bless you dear.
bieber marco commented (on 2012-04-04):How are you doing? can we be friends for some couple of months?..
Rosie Ros commented (on 2012-04-05):Hi Kevin, I am doing well, praise God. How are you. Love to be your friend, but why only for a couple of months? God bless you dear.
Last Reply: 2012-04-05
Total Replies: 3
Jay Morh commented:

looking great dear

Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-09-23):Thanks Jay...I am fearfully and wonderfully made by the Lord of God...praise His holy name. Blessings for a wonderful day to you!
Last Reply: 2011-09-23
Total Replies: 1
mutai willy commented:


Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-10-05):Hi Willy. How are you. Much blessings to you.
Last Reply: 2011-10-05
Total Replies: 1
george addai commented:

hello pretty how are you doing I believe the personality and the soul is what makes a person beautiful, it does not always have to be the physical appearance. As I looked upon the starry sky, I searched for a star that would match your beauty, but of all the stars, I could not find one miss you have nice please let me hear from you okay miss you [email protected]

Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-10-05):Thank you and God bless you Gorge.
Last Reply: 2011-10-05
Total Replies: 1
sammy west commented:

you are well come

sammy west commented:

sweet info of you.glory be to the lord.

Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-08-27):Thanks Sammy. God bless you. May His portion and favors always be yours. Much blessings.
Last Reply: 2011-08-27
Total Replies: 1
JOY to the world commented:

Thanks Rosie for subscribing.

Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-07-02):you are welcome...God bless you
Last Reply: 2011-07-02
Total Replies: 1
anu m commented:

Hi Rosie, Please subscribe me if you wish so...


Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-06-29):sure, will do. God bless.
anu m commented (on 2011-07-05):Thanx Rosie for subscribing my posts....tc
Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-08-27):welcome dear. Blessings.
Last Reply: 2011-08-27
Total Replies: 3
pius twist commented:

like ur smile, such is wat i need around me to keep me going, kindly add me

Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-06-29):Thank you dear. God bless you!
Last Reply: 2011-06-29
Total Replies: 1
JOY to the world commented:

Thanks for the comment Ross.

Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-06-29):Welcome dear. Much blessings to you. Take care.
Last Reply: 2011-06-29
Total Replies: 1
Gobi Be +ve V commented:

Hi Rosie, nice to see you in lifepulp.Can you please add me in your list? Have a great day. Thank you.See you soon

Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-06-29):Thank You Gobi, sure thing...I will. You have a blessed week too.
Last Reply: 2011-06-29
Total Replies: 1
Joshua England commented:

Hey I wanna be ya friend...I'm Joshua.

Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-06-29):Thanks for wanting to be my friend Josh. God bless you.
Last Reply: 2011-06-29
Total Replies: 1
Amber Jerry commented:

how are you?

Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-05-15):I am blessed in the Lord Amber. Much blessings to you.
Last Reply: 2011-05-15
Total Replies: 1
Bamidele Adeleke commented:

That fine as u love JESUS

Rosie Ros commented:

I love YOU JESUS, more than anything!!!

bakul sonavane commented:

hi rose u realy reserved pink of rose in ur glowing face.its gr8 i like it very much

Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-05-05):Awwww, thanks Bakul...Glory be to God for I am fearfully and wonderfully made by His own precious hands! God bless you!
Last Reply: 2011-05-05
Total Replies: 1
Gemaima Abayon commented:

very pretty you....nice profile pic.. :)

Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-05-05):Thank You Gemaima, and so are you dear. May God's face shine on you always.
Gemaima Abayon commented (on 2011-05-06):thanks rosie..let our life shine for JESUS...
Last Reply: 2011-05-06
Total Replies: 2
Gemaima Abayon commented:

i really Love reading your posts rosie...

Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-05-05):Thank you dear, May the portion of the Lord be yours always.
Gemaima Abayon commented (on 2011-05-06):THANKS ROSIE...God bless you..
Last Reply: 2011-05-06
Total Replies: 2
Monica Michelle commented:

Love reading your posts.. God bless you. ^_^

Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-05-04):Thank you so much dear. Much more blessings to you too. He loves you so very much!!!
Last Reply: 2011-05-04
Total Replies: 1
Sheik Rashool commented:

Hey Beauty Rose ....

Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-04-30):Hello there Sheik...Blessed weekend to you. May His portion be yours always!
Last Reply: 2011-04-30
Total Replies: 1
Gemaima Abayon commented:

kindly subscribe me....thank you...

Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-04-08):Sure thing Gemaima, thank you and God bless you. Nice weekend to you.
Gemaima Abayon commented (on 2011-04-09):SAME TO YOU,,,THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT...GOD BLESS YOU MORE...
Last Reply: 2011-04-09
Total Replies: 2
Marina V commented:


Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-04-08):You too dear, thank you!
Last Reply: 2011-04-08
Total Replies: 1
Gemaima Abayon commented:



Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-04-08):Thank you. Indeed. He is my all in all. Praise Be to God!!!
Gemaima Abayon commented (on 2011-04-09):power....JESUS LOVES US...ROCK...
Last Reply: 2011-04-09
Total Replies: 2
Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented:


Rosie Ros commented (on 2011-04-08):I did Melvin,,,thank you and God bless you.
Last Reply: 2011-04-08
Total Replies: 1
Rosie Ros commented:

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding" Proverbs 9:10.

david sam commented (on 2011-04-13):show me a man that fear God and i will show you a man of wisdom...thanks for your post
Last Reply: 2011-04-13
Total Replies: 1
Rosie Ros commented:

You are welcome Brother Roman. It's a pleasure joining. Thank you!

Roman Price commented:

Rosie thanks for joining LifePulp

Rosie Ros commented:

Awwwww, you are so sweet babes...I love you more and I will spend my lifetime proving it to you. Each and everyday I will find something new about you to love you all over again!!!

Jay Morh commented:

I love you = 3 sec to say + 3 min to explain + 3 days to appreciate + 3 terms to produce it + a lifetime to prove it.

Rosie Ros

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