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So what's your real name? Care to share?

natalia green commented:

Just want to say thank you. So much Love & encouragement here. If it wasn't for you I'd probably never find out that this site existed. Thank you my friend :) God Bless You

Cyber Rev commented:

When you are devoted, committed and willing to die for what you dream or believe you are ready for the world.

Cyber Rev commented:

I really do not see how LifePulp.Com can fail unless there are no good or positive people in the world. Rock on!

Roman Price commented:

Hey thanks for the great words my friend! Happy to have you here.

We are working on a number of things, the first is a strong search engine that will be up in and around 8 days from now. Then we plan to work on the profile and after that we have twitter connect on the list :)

@RomanPrice me on twitter and I will follow back

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Cyber Rev

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Just Saying

Each-day we all get the universal chance to be like the moon, sun and stars to the world as people.


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