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Marina V commented:

HI ALYSSA JANE Nice to see you here WELCOME

Jefrey Puay commented:

uie pinoy naman.
ingat po! :D

edmer m commented:

want to be your friend!!☻

Roman Price commented:

Alyssa thanks for joining LifePulp!

If you get a chance let me know what you think of the site :)

Alyssa Jane Macalima commented:

The charming tradition of penguins giving a perfect pebble to the mate they choose for life is a true story. During the mating season penguins gather on the beaches with a pebble in their possession. Each penguin will present his/her perfect pebble to the mate he or she most desires. If the pebble is accepted, they are mates for life. This gift is the ultimate symbol of commitment. Our time together was the happiest time in my life. Time seem to slip so fast when I am with him. I was like watching a movie. Everything was perfect, magical, and powerful. Smiles on his face are like fireworks in the sky. Every touch can equal the beauty of the stars. Every hug took my breath away. Every kiss is mind blowing and life shattering. Every first is as important as life itself. I never thought I could ever feel this strong to anyone. And it scares me because things are not certain. IF ONLY… I LOVE HIM as I have never loved another or ever will again. I love him with ALL that I am and all that I hope to be. I am scared because there is only one of him. He means EVERYTHING to me. And all of these I wrote in here are not really enough to describe how I love him. He deserves my penguin pebble not because of anything else. He deserves it because I love him.. with all my heart, with all my being, with all my soul…

Alyssa Jane Macalima

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I just connected my Facebook with LifePulp; as a bonus I got this status feature on my profile.


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